- Articles that do not meet the scientific profile of the journal or design requirements are to be rejected or sent for revision by the decision of the editorial board. In the first case, the author is informed of the rejection and its reasons.
- Manuscripts corresponding to the scientific profile of the journal and satisfying formal requirements are submitted for review to two independent experts.
- An expert assessment of the manuscript is carried out on the principle of double “blind” review, when the reviewer does not know the name of the author, the author does not know the name of the reviewer.
- The invited reviewers may be members of the Editorial Board or any other highly qualified experts from IWL RAS and other institutions. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of peer-reviewed article over the past three years. Reviewers must follow the principles of Publishing Ethics accepted by the journal.
- Reviews are written in free form or according to a scheme developed by the editorial board.
- The maximum period for consideration and review of the manuscript is 6 months. After this period or earlier, the author is sent a letter with the results of the review:
- recommendation of the article for publication without revision;
- recommendation with minor changes;
- recommendation with revision and resubmission;
- notice of denial of publication.
- The text of the review is provided to the author upon his request without indicating the name, position and place of work of the reviewer. In the case of a recommendation to edit or revise the article, the author is sent an abridged review text with constructive comments without indicating the full name, position and place of work of the reviewer. If the article is rejected from publication, a motivated refusal is sent to the author.
- An article that is not recommended by two reviewers for publication is not accepted for review and is not considered at a meeting of the editorial board of the journal.
- Manuscripts that have received a positive rating from one or both reviewers are considered at a meeting of the editorial board. The editorial board of the journal recommends articles for publication based on the results of reviewing and discussion. The final decision to publish or reject articles is made by the editor-in-chief. In the case of a positive decision, a letter is sent to the author with a notification about the approximate date of publication of the article.
- The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to carry out professional and literary editing of materials accepted for publication, and if necessary, abridge them in agreement with the author.
- The originals of reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal Literary Fact for 5 years.
- Articles of members of the editorial board and the international editorial board are reviewed and discussed at a meeting of the editorial board under general conditions.
- Editorial Department of the journal Literary fact undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a relevant request.