- DOI:
- EDN:
- УДК / UDK: 821.161.1.0
- Publication Type: Research Article and Publication of Archival Documents
- Issue:
2024. no. 3 (33)
- Abstract:
The publication presents the correspondence of the decadent poet Alexander Tinyakov (1886–1934) with his school teacher and literary mentor, the famous political figure and writer Fyodor Kryukov (1870–1920), who was one of the editors of the magazine “Russkoye Bogatstvo” (“Russian Wealth”) in the 1900s. Most of the letters date back to 1903–1905, when Tinyakov, having left the Oryol gymnasium, took his first steps in the literary world and felt the need to share with his mentor his creative plans (he compiled a handwritten magazine “Luchi zari” (“Rays of Dawn”) and actively sent his texts to the central periodical press), his limited experience of successes and failures. Publishing problems and magazine life in the early 20th century are the main themes of this correspondence. Tinyakov proudly discusses his literary acquaintances with V. Bryusov, L. Andreev, A. Serafimovich, S. Sokolov-Krechetov, et al. The epistolary dialogue between persons from two opposed cultural circles instantly becomes the property of literature: Kryukov uses the personality and messages of his student as a factual substrate for his novels about school life.
- Keywords: Fyodor Kryukov, Alexander Tinyakov, literary and everyday correspondence, writers’ biographies, Russian periodicals and book publishing of the 1900s, “Russkoye Bogatstvo” magazine, Russian gymnasiums at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
- For citation:
Sobolev, A.L. “Correspondence Between F.D. Kryukov and A.I. Tinyakov (1903–1915).” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (33), 2024, pp. 70–105. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2024-33-70-105
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