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2023 №27

Author: Vassili E. Molodiakov
About the author:

Vassili E. Molodiakov — Dr. Habil., Professor, Takushoku University, Otsuka 1-7-1 G-210, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0012, Japan.


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In 1935–1936 Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont (1867–1942) suffered a serious nervous disease that interrupted his literary activity. The treatment, which required large expenses, deprived him of his livelihood, and Russian emigrants joined in helping the sick poet. A well-known public figure Vladimir Feofilovich Zeeler (1874–1954), secretary of the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in Paris, the driving force and treasurer of the Committee to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Balmont’s literary activity (official English translation: the Committee for the Recognition of the 50 years long literary activity of Constantin Balmont) established at the end of 1935, was particularly active in fundraising. The history of his relationship with the poet is generally known from Balmont’s published letters and poems addressed to Zeeler, and from Zeeler’s memoirs. This paper complements it with the text of the Committee’s appeal, most likely compiled by Zeeler, re-printed in full for the first time, and with the materials of Zeeler’s correspondence with sponsors published for the first time.

Keywords: Konstantin Balmont, Vladimir Zeeler, anniversary, Balmont's disease, fundraising, sponsor.
For citation:

Molodiakov, V. “ʽWe are Looking for Money wherever there are Friends of Russian Art, Russian Poetry’: V.F. Zeeler and the Committee to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of K.D. Balmont’s Literary Activity.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 1 (27), 2023, pp. 97–111. (In Russ.) 


1. Adamovich, G. Sobranie sochinenii. Literaturnye zametki [Collected Works. Literary Notes], vol. 2: “Poslednie novosty.” 1934–1935 [“Last News.” 1934–1935]. St. Petersburg, Aleteiia Publ., 2015. 608 p. (In Russ.)

2. “Amerikanskie pis’ma K.D. Bal’monta” [“American Letters of K.D. Balmont”]. Minuvschee. Istoricheskii al’manakh. 13 [ The Past. Historical Almanac. 13.]. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Atheneum, Feniks Publ., 1993, pp. 293–315. (In Russ.)

3. Bongard-Levin, G.M. ”Pis’ma i stikhotvoreniia K.D. Bal’monta V.F. Zeeleru” [“Letters and Poems of K.D. Balmont to V.F. Zeeler”]. Rossiia i problemy evropeiskoi istorii: Srednevekov’e, Novoe i Noveishee vrema [Russia and Problems of European History: Middle Age, New and Modern Times]. Rostov, Gosudarstvennyi muzei-zapovednik “Rostovskii Kreml’’’ Publ., 2003, pp. 265–275. (In Russ.)

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5. “Pis’ma K.D. Bal’monta k I.S. Shaikovichu (1935–1938). Pis’ma Е.К. Tsvetkovskoi k V.P. i I.S. Shaikovicham (1935) (Okonchanie)” [“K.D. Balmont’s Letters to I.S. Šajković (1935–1938). Е.К. Tsvetkovskaya’s Letters to V.P. and I.S. Šajković (1935) (Final Part)”], introd. article, text prep. and comm. by K.M. Azadovskii. Russkaia literatura, no. 4, 2019, pp. 166–190. DOI: 10.31860/0131-6095-2019-4-166-190 (In Russ.)